Saturday, July 22, 2006


It's been a little over a week since I last posted anything.

I'll start this entry off with saying that Ashton's funeral was absolutely beautiful. That's the only word to describe it. There were so many people who were there. Something I remember Josh Diggs (a minister at our church) saying, on the Monday night candle-lit vigil, was that, "The only thing that matters is who you love and who loves you." At the funeral it was so plain to see that so many people loved her and all the memories that were shared showed just how much she loved the people around her. Ashton was and is an amazing girl. I think her funeral was just the way she would have wanted it. Thank you so much for your prayers for her family and friends.
I haven't recorded as much this week as I did last week, but I did record a new (and final) version of Metaphor. It's on Myspace and Purevolume for you folks to check out. I changed up the drum part a bit (on the last recording it was played by Josh), Rohit threw in an amazing suggestion for something I should add to the end, so I tried it out and love it. So feel free to check out the recording that will be on the next CD.

I hope all of your summers are going well. Thanks for reading this and checking up on the website. Until next time -- God Bless!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

In Memory of Ashton

Hey guys. I don't know how many of you know about what happened to Ashton Glover. It's been on all the local news. Ashton went to my church (First Colony Church of Christ). Her mom was in our First Family (a small group of families that get together from time to time). I always hung out with her when we were doing First Family things cause she was just about my age. She was always so funny and just fun to be around. Such a nice girl...

This is the story: Ashton left her house Friday night to go be with some friends. She didn't come back that night. They started searching for her. I don't know how to tell the story right, because it's a hard story to tell. The end is not good. Ashton's body was found on Monday. She had been murdered and then buried. It's still unclear exactly what happened. But that's what I know.

I recorded that little "surprise" piano thing in the last entry on Monday. This was the day that I was testing out all of my new recording equipment. As I said before after I listened to it I couldn't believe how good the quality of the piano was. When I was recording it I was just doing improv in the key of C. It wasn't anything planned -- I could never play that again in my life. I might be able to do something similar, but because that recording was unplanned and complete improv I can never play the same thing again. I've decided that I want to dedicate this short, one minute and twenty-nine second piano song to Ashton. Because once I heard that the body they found on Monday was hers I kept listening to it nonstop, because her life was short, and because no one will ever be the same as Ashton was. She was a unique person, and her life will never be played again.

So please listen to it, say a little prayer for her family, and know that her life is still playing up in heaven right now. In Memory of Ashton

Recording at the Speed of Light!

It's only 11:21 and I've already recorded TWO songs today. I'm pretty excited.

Also, I have to tell you about the song I recorded yesterday: It came out awesome! It's called indecision. I just uploaded it to purevolume. Go check it out.

Also, because you actually read this I have another surprise for you. This is a short piano thing that I recorded with my new recording stuff. I was just messing around, making stuff up and recording it to see how it sounded and when I played it back I couldn't believe the quality difference. Just check it out.

Here it is. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Some Good News and Some Bad News

Let's start with the bad news so we'll have a happy ending to this blog post.

This has been unofficial for a little while. But as of yesterday Josh is officially not a part of Cadenza anymore. He is very busy holding down a job and works what I was told to be 30-35 hours a week. Indirectly he is still a part of Cadenza, as are many of you. The people around me help me make music just as much as someone playing instruments with me. You guys play life with me and that's so much more. So, I guess at this point Cadenza becomes a musical solo.

The good news following this is that with the money we made from the EP I bought some new recording equipment. This stuff is amazing. It makes our silly old recordings sound old and silly. Yesterday I began recording what is going to be a new CD. This one is going to have 12 songs on it. I'll keep you guys updated and maybe even throw in some freeby music clips here and there. Just keep checking this to see if there's any updates, or you can joint Purevolume as a listener and I'll let you know when I update.

That's it for now. I can't wait to keep on recording!

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